I came across this news story about young boy and his best friend, a world war ll veteran. Mind you I grew up with the utmost love for the military Canada, American and British Alike. I would of loved such a friend, in fact I would love one now. But I know what it's like to be a young child and have a best friend old enough to be your Dad or even your Dad's Dad. I had both.
When I was hardly a tyke a young couple moved in next door, and I aparently noticed the new neighbour had a beat up rust red pick up truck. They hadn't even unloaded the moving truck before I strutted over and asked about the weather. A friend ship was sparked, he was old enough to be my Dad. His name was Calvin, he used to set aside a special bag of halloween treats just for me. I remember summer days sitting on the tail gate of that old truck, ice cream dripping down my hand and arm from creamsicles, melting faster than I could eat them. If I fell of my bike, and believe I did. He'd haul me up and say try again. That all changed when I was about 6, Calvin past away. I was kid who'd lost one of my two best friends in the world. There were definitely a lot of tears, because Calvin he wasn't old.
I also had a neighbour, across the street. His name was Ron and he was something of a garage carpentry enthusiasts. To this day I can't see one of the jigsaw looking lawn reindeer without thinking of the guy. He was older, older than my Dad. His Grandkids 3 or 4 years behind me. I used to go over and chill out in his garage, talk shopr or as much shop as hardly 9 year old could about the baseball scores and my baseball game. Him and his wife moved away when I was probably 14. It sucked, but a family with kids a 5 years younger than me moved in, so I had some minions to teach things to.
Friendships are a special thing. Cherish them.
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