Tuesday, June 24, 2014

4 Clever Tricks to Making Friends on Campus


Campus Friends

Congratulations, you've made it to college. It's a brave new world and it's probably just a little intimidating. You've gone from the top of the totem pole, to being a tadpole in a pond full of bullfrogs, don't worry all tadpoles grow into frogs.  Now that you're here, there are just so many people and your best friends are all at different colleges across the country. It's time to make some friends on Campus.

1. Join a Campus Club

One the easiest ways to make a few friends on campus is joining a club. Your school will likely have a list of availabe clubs on campus through it's website or it's student association's office on campus. What makes club's great, the ice has been broken for you. You'll have something in common and something to talk about. This really made the difference between my freshman and the following year of study.

2.  Take Advantage of Community Spaces

A great way to make friends at the start of the year, is using the communal spaces provided on campus. Such as the gym,  rec rooms and cafeterias. At the start of the year, a lot of students are in the same boat as you, making friends in a wonderful and strange new place.

3. Take Part In Campus Events

College is a great place, in the sense of actually having social events planned. Some of these events maybe outdoor concerts, fundraisers, semi--formal dinner socials, pub nights, volunteer oppourtunities and the ever popular varsity game. These events are a great oppourtuniy for meeting new people, creating college memories and showing your school spirit.

4. Spend Less time in a virtual world, unplug

This'll sound rich, coming from a guy who typed this on the computer for a blog on the web. There is a reason for this contradictory statement.  Social media, computer & video games and tv are all wonderful things, but they can effect your social skills when they become a consuming force in your life.  College is about creating memories, new experiences and penning life's latest chapter. Take a moment to unplug once in a while.  Go out, play a game of frisbee, find a game of pick-up basketball, set up a beach trip or city outing for the guys and girls on your floor. All of these things lead to stronger social relationships and friendships on campus.

I hope some of these tips will help you out on campus this coming school year. If you have any tips you'd like to share or feel like leaving a comment. Work your magic below.


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